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Onward technologies. Onward film. Onward cast voices. Onward characters. Onward ian lightfoot. Onward movie times. Onwards trailer. Onward voice cast. (Updated 10/1/2020) The Chinese author of this article took down his article in Weixin on January 6, 2020. On January 9, 10:27 p. m. (BeiJing time), he published this statement explaining why he removed his article in his Weixin official account. Main points: He removed his previous article because some irresponsible media and influencers cited his article without permission, hyping and exaggerating the content of toxic substances, thereby causing tremendous terror in the beauty industry. He solemnly declares that he has never said that the product is poisonous. He apologizes as it is beyond his expectation that this article has created such a huge impact. The affected brands choose to use the more expensive preservative because they want the best ingredients for their consumers. A lot of the manufacturers have approached him. He wasn"t threatened. They discussed about the testing issues. The manufacturers showed him the testing results of the affected products, including dermal sensitization testing, acute toxicity testing, cyanide testing and so on. The reports show that it does not contain illegal substances. (two reports are attached in the translated statement link below) He tested other products with this ingredient. The testing report does not show the previously-detected substance. This raises concern if the previous testing methodology and product were contaminated. He revoked his previous conclusion. He apologizes for the negative impact this has caused. Translated Statement Here: My personal thoughts: Quoting Michelle from Lab Muffin, everyone is comfortable with different levels of risk. You may consider using back the products if this statement fuels you with enough safety confidence. I would leave the skepticism discussions to the comments down below. I am merely sharing the translated info here and I do not want to be deemed as "fear-mongering" or "intentionally spreading doubtful content". The final interpretation and decision are yours. I would personally (PERSONALLY, and I am neither advocating nor discouraging you to do the same) wait for the test results from the brands. Some affected brands on Weibo have released Chinese notices claiming they would test the affected products and released the results in 7 - 14 days. But I am not aware of any mentioning the same on Facebook or Instagram? Lab Muffin Michelle was told to wait for updated news by Benton, but that was via E-mail, not publicly announced. Please correct me if I am wrong. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please help list the products you know that contain following ingredients (all 3 must present in the ingredient label) with INCI: ?? Zanthoxylum Piperitum Fruit Extract?? Pulsatilla Koreana Extract?? Usnea Barbata (Lichen) Extract Immediately stop using if they are all present in that product. And wait for the announcement from the brand showing the latest test results of that product. Long story short, a Chinese chemist recently employed third-party laboratories to test the constituents of this preservative with brand name EURO-NApre, developed by a Korean company. EURO-NApre is made up of Zanthoxylum Piperitum Fruit Extract, Pulsatilla Koreana Extract and Usnea Barbata (Lichen) Extract. Silver and cyanide (prohibited substances in cosmetics) were detected from his rigorous findings. If you are a chemist or have any related background, please share more about the harms of these two substances. There aren"t many in the article. Here"s a detailed article of the discovery translated from Chinese:.

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